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OpenBSD's RPKI Validator rpki-client

The OpenBSD project created a free and easy-to-use RPKI validator named rpki-client.

Deployment is split into two elements:

  1. rpki-client is the validator which pulls the Signed Objects from the RPKI repositories and validates them and then makes them available to StayRTR.
  2. StayRTR is the daemon that implements the RPKI-RTR protocol to distributes Validated ROA Payloads to your routers.

We use a standard Debian Sid (unstable) installation, 2 vCPUs, 2GB RAM, 20GB LVM hard drive. Debian provides pre-built packages for installation.

As of early March 2024, the following packages can easily be installed:

$ sudo apt install rpki-client stayrtr


You'll need to confirm whether you'd like to install the ARIN TAL.

You can now run the validator via the following command:


# start the service:
systemctl start rpki-client &

# see and tail the logs
journalctl -fu rpki-client

Running rpki-client the first time might take a few minutes.


To start StayRTR (once rpki-client is configured and running), we first edit /etc/default/stayrtr:

STAYRTR_ARGS=-bind :3323 -cache /var/lib/rpki-client/json -metrics.addr :8082

You can now run the StayRTR daemon via the following command:

# start the service:
systemctl restart stayrtr

# see and tail the logs
journalctl -fu stayrtr

Once rpki-client completed its initial run, and StayRTR starts up, metrics are available from http://[hostname/ip address]:8082/metrics.


We add Nagios http checks for and 8082 (StayRTR) to our monitoring platform. We also add a check_tcp test for StayRTR port 3323.

Rpki-client produces a statistics file in OpenMetrics format in /var/lib/rpki-client/metrics for use with Grafana.