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RIPE NCC RPKI Validator 3


The RIPE NCC RPKI Validator 3 has been deprecated and should not be used.

The RIPE NCC RPKI Validator 3 is a RPKI relying party software (aka RPKI Validator). While RIPE's RPKI Validator 3 is a RPKI-RTR implementation we have tested and support, we found it buggy in production (as of April 2019 it consumed increasing amounts of disk space and crashed regularly). These instructions reflect INEX's production installation from early 2019.

RIPE provides CentOS7 RPMs for production builds but as we tend to use Ubuntu LTS for our servers, we will describe an installation using the generic builds here. You can read RIPE's CentOS7 installation details here and their own generic install details here (which are the ones we worked from for these Ubuntu 18.04 LTS instructions).

We use a standard Ubuntu 18.04 installation (selecting the minimal virtual server option), 2 vCPUs, 2GB RAM, 10GB LVM hard drive.

We will use a non-root user to run the daemons:

useradd -c 'RIPE NCC RPKI Validator' -d /srv/ripe-rpki-validator \
    -m -s /bin/bash -u 1100 ripe

Download and extract the latest production releases from here:

cd /srv/ripe-rpki-validator
tar zxf rpki-rtr-server-latest-dist.tar.gz
tar zxf rpki-validator-3-latest-dist.tar.gz

When you extract these, you'll find they create directories named by their version. As we will reference these in various scripts, we will alias these directories so we do not need to update the scripts on an upgrade of the software. In our example case, the version was 3.0-255 so we do the following (and also ensure the permissions are correct):

ln -s rpki-rtr-server-3.0-355 rpki-rtr-server-3
ln -s rpki-validator-3.0-355 rpki-validator-3
chown -R ripe: /srv/ripe-rpki-validator

The requirements for RPKI Validator 3 are OpenJDK and rsync. For Ubuntu 18.04 that means:

apt install -y openjdk-8-jre rsync curl

We will want to keep configuration changes and the database across upgrades. For this we:

# move the config and replace it with a link:
cd /srv/ripe-rpki-validator
mv rpki-validator-3/conf/ rpki-validator-3.conf
ln -s /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-validator-3.conf \

# And do the same for the datebase:
mv rpki-validator-3/db .
ln -s /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/db /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-validator-3/db

# And do the same for rpki-rtr-server-3:
mv rpki-rtr-server-3/conf/ rpki-rtr-server-3.conf
ln -s /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-rtr-server-3.conf \

# again, ensure file ownership is okay
chown -R ripe: /srv/ripe-rpki-validator

We then edit /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-validator-3.conf and change the following configuration options:

  1. server.port and server.address if you want to access the web interface directly. Commenting server.address out makes it listen on all interfaces.
  2. spring.datasource.url to /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/db/rpki-validator.h2.

And we edit /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-rtr-server-3.conf and:

  1. set server.port and server.address as required (note this is for the API, not the RTR protocol). server.address= listens on all interfaces.
  2. set rtr.server.address and rtr.server.port as required (this is the RTR protocol).
    rtr.server.address=:: listens on all interfaces.

You should now be able to start the Validator and RTR daemons:

# as the RIPE user
su - ripe

cd /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-validator-3

cd /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-rtr-server-3

We need to manually install the ARIN TAL by:

  1. Visiting
  2. Downloading the TAL in RIPE NCC RPKI Validator format format
  3. Installing it using the command:
    /srv/ripe-rpki-validator/rpki-validator-3/ arin-ripevalidator.tal http://localhost:8080/

We use systemd to ensure both daemons start automatically:

cat <<ENDL >/etc/systemd/system/rpki-validator-3.service
Description=RPKI Validator


# prevent restart in case there's a problem
# with the database or binding to socket



systemctl enable rpki-validator-3.service
systemctl start rpki-validator-3.service

cat <<ENDL >/etc/systemd/system/rpki-rtr-server-3.service
Description=RPKI RTR


# prevent restart in case there's a problem
# with the database or binding to socket



systemctl enable rpki-rtr-server-3.service
systemctl start rpki-rtr-server-3.service

You can see log messages using:

cat /var/log/syslog | grep rpki-validator
cat /var/log/syslog | grep rpki-rtr

We separately add the server and the RIPE daemons to our standard monitoring and alerting tools.