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Looking Glass

IXP Manager has looking glass support allowing IXPs to expose details on route server / collector / AS112 BGP sessions to their members.

As it stands, we have only implemented one looking glass backend - Bird's Eye; a simple secure micro service for querying Bird (JSON API) (and also written by us, INEX).

We have implemented this in IXP Manager as a service so that other backends can be added easily.

Disclaimer: the links and line numbers here are against IXP Manager v4.5.0 and they may have changed since.

Adding Support for Additional LGs

  1. An additional API backend needs to be given a constant in Entities\Router named API_TYPE_XXX where XXX is an appropriate name.

  2. It then needs to have a case: check in app/Services/LookingGlass.php. This needs to instantiate your service provider.

  3. Your service provider must implement the App\Contracts\LookingGlass interface.

For a concrete example, see the Bird's Eye implementation.