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For development purposes, we have Vagrant build files.

The Vagrant file was updated for IXP Manager v7.

The entire system is built from a fresh Ubuntu 24.04 installation via the tools/vagrant/ script. This also installs a systemd service to run tools/vagrant/ on a reboot to restart the various services.

Quick Vagrant with VirtualBox

Note the developers use Parallels (see below) and have not tested on VirtualBox for sometime.

If you want to get IXP Manager with Vagrant and VirtualBox up and running quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Install Vagrant (see:
  2. Install VirtualBox (see:
  3. Clone IXP Manager to a directory:

    git clone ixpmanager
    cd ixpmanager
  4. Edit the Vagrantfile in the root of IXP Manager and delete the config.vm.provider "parallels" do |prl| block and uncomment the config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|.

  5. Spin up a Vagrant virtual machine:

    vagrant up

Quick Vagrant with Parallels

  1. Install Vagrant (see: On MacOS:
    brew tap hashicorp/tap
    brew install hashicorp/tap/hashicorp-vagrant
  2. Install Parallels (see:
  3. Install the Parallels provider. E.g., on MacOS when Vagrant is installed via Homebrew:
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
  4. Clone IXP Manager to a directory:
    git clone ixpmanager
    cd ixpmanager
  5. Spin up a Vagrant virtual machine:
    vagrant up

Next Steps - Access IXP Manager

  1. Access IXP Manager on: http://localhost:8088/

  2. Log in with one of the following username / passwords:

  3. Admin user: vagrant / Vagrant1 (api key: r8sFfkGamCjrbbLC12yIoCJooIRXzY9CYPaLVz92GFQyGqLq)

  4. Customer Admin: as112 / AS112as112
  5. Customer User: as112user / AS112as112

Vagrant Notes

Please see Vagrant's own documentation for a full description of how to use it fully.

  • To access the virtual machine that the above has spun up, just run the following from the ixpmanager directory:

    vagrant ssh
  • Once logged into the Linux machine, you'll find the ixpmanager directory mounted under /vagrant.

  • You can sudo su -
  • You can access MySQL using root/password via:
    • Locally: mysql -u root -ppassword ixp
    • From the machine running Vagrant: mysql -u root -ppassword -h -P 33061
    • Via phpMyAdmin on
  • As mentioned above, the IXP Manager application is mounted under /vagrant in the Vagrant virtual machine. This is mounted as the vagrant user. Any changes made on your own machine are immediately reflected on the virtual machine and vice-versa.
  • Apache runs as vagrant to avoid all file system permission issues.

Database Details

Spinning up Vagrant in the above manner loads a sample database from tools/vagrant/vagrant-base.sql. If you have a preferred development database, place a bzip'd copy of it in the ixpmanager directory called ixpmanager-preferred.sql.bz2 before step 5 above.

SNMP Simulator and MRTG

The Vagrant bootstrapping includes installing snmpsim making three "switches" matching those in the supplied database available for polling. The source snmpwalks for these are copied from tools/vagrant/snmpwalks to /srv/snmpclients and values can be freely edited there.

Example of polling when ssh'd into vagrant:

snmpwalk -c swi1-fac1-1 -v 2c swi1-fac1-1
snmpwalk -c swi1-fac2-1 -v 2c swi1-fac1-1
snmpwalk -c swi2-fac1-1 -v 2c swi2-fac1-1

As you can see, the community selects the source file - i.e., -c swi1-fac1-1 for /srv/snmpclients/swi1-fac1-1.snmprec. The Vagrant bootstrap file adds these switch names to /etc/hosts also.

The bootstrapping also configures mrtg to run and includes this in the crontab rather than using dummy graphs. The snmp simulator has some randomised elements for some of the interface counters.

Route Server / Collector / AS112 Testbed and Looking Glass

When running vagrant up for the first time, it will create a full route server / collector /as112 testbed complete with clients:

  • Route servers, collectors and AS112 bird daemons are started from hardcoded handles based on the Vagrant test database.
  • Client router bird instances (dual-stack v4/v6) are generated and started based on their vlan interfaces as at the time the scripts are run.

All Bird instance sockets are located in /var/run/bird/ allowing you to connect to them using birdc -s /var/run/bird/xxx.ctl.

In additional to this, a second Apache virtual host is set up listening on port 81 locally providing access to Birdseye installed in /srv/birdseye. The bundled Vagrant database is already configured for this and should work out of the box. All of Birdseye's env files are generated via:

php /vagrant/artisan vagrant:generate-birdseye-configurations

Various additional scripts support all of this:

  1. The tools/vagrant/ file which sets everything up.
  2. tools/vagrant/scripts/ will reconfigure all routers.
  3. tools/vagrant/scripts/ will (re)configure and start, if necessary, the AS112 Bird instances.
  4. tools/vagrant/scripts/ will (re)configure and start, if necessary, the route server Bird instances.
  5. tools/vagrant/scripts/ will (re)configure and start, if necessary, the route collector Bird instances.

For the clients, we run the following:

mkdir -p /srv/clients
chown -R vagrant: /srv/clients
php /vagrant/artisan vagrant:generate-client-router-configurations
chmod a+x /srv/clients/

All router IPs are added to the loopback interface as part of the tools/vagrant/ (or the script on a reboot). There are also necessary entries in /etc/hosts to map router handles to IP addresses. There are two critical Bird BGP configuration options to allow multiple instances to run on the same server and speak with each other:

strict bind yes;