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Customer Tags

IXP Manager allows administrators to tag customers to indicate specific properties that are not built into IXP Manager by default. Some examples might include:

  • commercial vs membership based relationship;
  • special billing relationship (e.g. customer originally connected via 100Mb port which has been discontinued; customer now on 1Gb port but not paying until traffic exceeds 100Mb);

Tag Management

Tags can be added / edited / deleted by clicking on the Customers option in the left hand side menu and then clicking on the Tags sub-option which appears. The form for adding tags is pretty straight-forward:

Customer Tags Add

While the help text should be self-explanatory, here is some more detail and examples:

  • Tag: should be something like: commercial, member, 100mb-upgrade-program. Note that these are always lowercase alphanumeric characters and optional dashes.

  • Display AS: allows you to provide something prettier when displaying the tag within IXP Manager. Examples following from the above might include: Commercial, Member, 100Mb Upgrade Program.

  • Description: allows you to add some text that may help you remember the specific use-case of a tag in five years time!

  • Internal Only: if not set, then tags can be optionally including in various public / non-superadmin accessible APIs / pages / exports.

Assigning Tags to Customers

When at least one tag has been created, the customer overview masthead will now provide the option to add tags to customers:

Customer Tags Overview - no tags

Once one or more tags have been added, they are shown in the masthead such as:

Customer Tags Overview - with tags

You will also find an option in the Edit menu of the customer overview page to Manage Tags....

Exporting Tags

Tags can be exported as part of the IX-F Member Export process by adding ?withtags=1 to the API URL. For example:

You have to specify ?withtags=1 as this is not part of the official IX-F Member Export specification.

When you request this, you will find an empty object with each customer that does not have tags in an ixp_manager namespace of the form:

"ixp_manager": {
    "tags": []

And for those that do have tags, it will be of the form:

"ixp_manager": {
    "tags": {
        "test-tag1": "Test Tag1",
        "test-tag2": "Test Tag2"

where test-tag2 is the tag and Test Tag2 is the display name.