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Outline of Adding a New Graph Type

This is a quick write up as I commit a new graph type. To be fleshed out.

Our new graphing backend, Grapher, supports different graph types from different backends. To add a new graph type - let's call it Example - you need to do the following:

  1. Create a graph class for this new type called app/Services/Grapher/Graph/Example.php. This must extend the abstract class app/Services/Grapher/Graph.php.
  2. Add an example() function to app/Services/Grapher.php which instantiates the above graph object.
  3. Update the appropriate backend file(s) (app/Services/Grapher/Backend/xxx) to handle this new graph file. I.e. create the actual implementation for getting the data to process this graph.
  4. Add your graph to the supports() function in the appropriate backends (and the app/Services/Grapher/Backend/Dummy backend).
  5. To serve this graph over HTTP:

  6. Create a GET route in app/Providers/GrapherServiceProvider.php

  7. Create a function to handle the GET request in app/Http/Controllers/Services/Grapher.php
  8. Add functionality to the middleware to process a graph request: app/Http/Middleware/Services/Grapher.php

Here's a great example from a Github commit.

Adding a New MRTG Graph

Here is an example of adding broadcast graphs to MRTG.