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Upgrade From v3

Due to the significant changes between IXP Manager v3 and v4, there is no in place upgrade process. The advised way to handle this is to install v4 in parallel and then switch over (by adjusting your DNS or Apache configuration for example) to the new v4 directory/server.

This documentation was compiled while performing an upgrade on three separate IXP Manager installations.

Before you proceed, please check the requirements listed in the official installation instructions.

If you need help, please contact us via the public mailing list.

If you find that this guide is insufficient, please contribute back to this documentation.


The upgrade process is quite involved and, depending how many IXP Manager features you use, may take the best part of a day.

The general steps are:

  1. Duplicate the Database (see below)
  2. Install IXP Manager v4 (see below)
  3. Initial configuration tasks (see below), including:
  4. Configuration
  5. Update the database schema
  6. If appropriate, migrate plaintext passwords to bcrypt
  7. MRTG Graphing Migration (including peer to peer changes) (see below)
  8. Route collector / servers / AS112 configuration has changed - see here
  9. DNS / ARPA export has changed - see here
  10. Examine the new layer2 addresses feature and consideration migration - see here
  11. If you are using Bird, set up looking glasses - see here
  12. Set up you cross connect / patch panel management - see here
  13. Read up on the new skinning features and see if you need to update / duplicate any skinned files.

You will note from the above that a number of features have been deprecated in favor of doing it in new ways. Our advice is to keep both v3 and v4 live in parallel and then migrate services piece meal. That way your route server configuration can continue pulling from v3 until you have set-up the v4 method. Just ensure that people do not make customer changes in either IXP Manager during this period (or, if they do, do it in both!).

Deprecations / Removed Features

As of IXP Manager v4 (certainly >=v4.5), the following are no longer available:

  1. v3 methods for generating route collector. configuration - see here for the v4 method.
  2. v3 methods for generating route server configuration - see here for the v4 method.
  3. v3 methods for generating AS112 BGP configuration - see here for the v4 method.
  4. v3 method for IRRDB updates - see here for the v4 method.
  5. TACACS+ and RADIUS templates - see old details here for TACACS+ and here for RADIUS.
  6. v3 method for DNS/ARPA generation - see here for the v4 method.
  7. Support for plaintext passwords - see below.

Duplicating the Database

As we're installing in parallel, we want to duplicate the database.

When granting permissions on the new database, use your existing IXP Manager database credentials for ease of configuration.

mysql -u root -pXXX -e 'CREATE DATABASE ixp4 CHARACTER SET = "utf8mb4" COLLATE = "utf8mb4_unicode_ci";'

mysqldump -u root -pXXX ixp | mysql -u root -pXXX ixp4

mysql -u root -pXXX -e 'GRANT ALL ON ixp4.* TO `ixp`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY "YYY";'

# and test:
mysql -u ixp -pYYY -h localhost ixp4

Install IXP Manager

This is very much a tl;dr version of the official installation instructions which you should review if you need additional help.

Critically, these upgrade instructions were designed and tested against IXP Manager v4.5.0. You need to upgrade to this version first and then follow the v4 upgrade instructions from there.

The code for IXP Manager is maintained on GitHub and the canonical repository is inex/IXP-Manager.

Log into the server where you wish to install IXP Manager and move to the directory where you wish to install (we use /srv/ixpmanager here as an example and which will be referred to as $IXPROOT below).

Note that it should not be checked out into any web exposed directory (e.g. do not checkout to /var/www).


# get the source / application
git clone $IXPROOT
git checkout v4.5.0

# Using
composer.phar install

# Using
bower install

# Start with the example configuration and edit.
# Read the official documentation for help.
# Ensure you configure the database.
# More notes on this follow below.
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
joe .env

# File system permissions
chown -R www-data: var/ storage/ bootstrap/cache database/Proxies

Initial Configuration Tasks

New Local Settings / Configuration (Laravel)

IXP Manager v4 uses a new PHP framework (Zend Framework swapped for Laravel). As such, all the older configuration options (from application/configs/application.ini) need to be ported to .env.

The php dotenv file (.env) is where all the new configuration options go. These in turn are used by the configuration files under config/.

NB: Where possible, place local changes into .env rather than changing the config files as these files are under version control. See Laravel's documentation on this and email the mailing list for help.

Once you have worked your way through .env, move into the $IXPROOT/config directory and - as appropriate for your own installation - examine each config file that ends in .dist. If you use / need any features in these files, copy then such as:

cd $IXPROOT/config
cp xxxx.php.dist xxxx.php

Then edit the resultant .php file (or, better, where config() options exist, add them to .env).

These .dist files represent v3 functionality that has not yet been fully ported to v4/Laravel.

Update the Database Schema

There's about 50 schema changed between the end of v3 and v4.4.

View the required changes with:

./artisan doctrine:schema:update --sql

And apply with:

./artisan doctrine:schema:update --force
Note that this may take a few minutes if you have a lot of data such as BGP session data.

Migrate Plaintext Passwords to Bcrypt

Since v4.5, we no longer allow plaintext passwords. If you were using plaintext passwords, you need to convert them to bcrypt as follows:


# dummy run to see what happens:
php artisan utils:convert-plaintext-password

# really convert passwords and save to database:
php artisan utils:convert-plaintext-password --force

Stage One Complete

You should be able to point Apache / your web server at the new IXP Manager installation and log in.

MRTG Graphing Migration

We've implemented a new graphing backend called Grapher. One of the changes is that the graphing directory structure and file-naming conventions have changed. Primarily, we've replaced non-static handles (such as database fields like customer.shortname, physicalinterface.monitorindex and with immutable primary keys).

As such, you need to both rename the statistics directory structure and regenerate the configuration.

It is strongly recommended you copy your existing files and do this in parallel or, at least keep a backup. Also, stop the MRTG daemon before starting.

Performing the Migration

First, you'll need to update your local configuration in .env by setting something like:


See the Grapher documentation for full details of what these mean.

You'll then need to migrate all your MRTG files to the new naming scheme. Run the commands below twice. Once to verify the output and a second time piped to sh (| sh) to actually execute the commands.

# set a variable for what will become the 'old' files for convenience

# position ourselves in the IXP Manager root directory

# stop mrtg
service mrtg stop  # or as appropriate for your platform

# Migrate IXP graphs.
# In v3 of IXP Manager, the name of this was set by a database
# parameter in the IXP table called 'aggregate graph name'.
# You will be able to spot it in the old MRTG files where the
# old IXP file is named something like: 'ixp_peering-XXXXX-bits.log'.
# The 'XXXXXX' bit is the aggregate name you need to replace in the below:
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -X --agg-name=XXXXXX
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -X --agg-name=XXXXXX | sh

# Migrate infrastructure graphs.
# In v3 of IXP Manager, the name of this was set by a database
# parameter in the infrastructure table called 'aggregate graph name'.
# You will be able to spot it in the old MRTG files where the
# old IXP file is named something like: 'ixp_peering-XXXXX-bits.log'.
# The 'XXXXXX' bit is the aggregate name you need to replace in the below:
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -I
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -I | sh

# Migrate switch graphs
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -S
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -S | sh

# Migrate trunk graphs and configuration.
# If you had not configured trunk graphs you can skip this. We are
# planning to (very soon - Q2/3 2017) fully integrate this into IXP
# Manager.
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -T
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -T | sh
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade migrate-trunk-config

# Create member directories
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mkdir -L $OLDMRTG -M
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mkdir -L $OLDMRTG -M | sh

# Migrate member physical interface graphs
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -P
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -P | sh

# Migrate member LAG graphs
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -Q
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -Q | sh

# Migrate member aggregate graphs
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -C
php artisan grapher:backend:mrtg:upgrade mv -L $OLDMRTG -C | sh

# Regenerate mrtg configuration
php artisan grapher:generate-configuration -B mrtg > path/to/mrtg.conf

# Start mrtg
service mrtg start  # or as appropriate for your platform

Peer to Peer / sflow Changes

The previous version of IXP Manager used a script called sflow-graph.php which was installed on the sflow server to create graphs on demand. IXP Manager v4 does not use this but pulls the required RRD files directly.

If you have this on the same server or can expose it using NFS for example, then set the path accordingly in .env:


If you have implemented this via a web server on the sflow server (as we typically do at INEX), then you need to expose the RRD data directory to IXP Manager using an Apache config such as:

Alias /grapher-sflow /srv/ixpmatrix

<Directory "/srv/ixpmatrix">
    Options None
    AllowOverride None
            Require ip
            Require ip 2001:db8::/32

and update .env for this with something like: